On 4 November 2020, UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), held the 4th INB virtual meeting of the International Network on Biotechnology (INB). Network partners participating in the meeting represente
On 19 September 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and UNICRI co-hosted a workshop that brought together international experts and emerging leaders from different countries to discuss global programs dedicated to biosecurity and th
Second Network Partners Meeting
On 5-6 September 2018, UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), held the 2nd INB Network Partners Meeting at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva.
On 9 – 10 August UNICRI participated in the 2018 Meeting of Experts of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) held at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva.
Remembering our friend Volker Beck
Volker worked with UNICRI during the past 6 years. It is difficult to put into words how important his contribution was.
International Network on Biotechnology: First Network Partners Meeting
On 12-13 July 2016, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) organized the First Network Partners Meeting for t
Understanding and Mitigating Emerging and Future Risks in the Life Sciences:
The International Network on Biotechnology: A Side Event at the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
On 15 November 2016, the
Enhancing Biosecurity and Biosafety
Research and development in Life Sciences have the potential to bring about transformational change for the betterment of society, including through the convergence of advances in fields like synthetic
UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, administers the International Network on Biotechnology (INB), a global network of academic and research institut
The Biotechnology Initiative
Advances in Biotechnology are occurring at an unprecedented rate, opening doors for seeking improvements in important fields such as health, food and environment.
UNICRI has been tasked by the European Commission with the overall coordination, provision of technical assistance and monitoring the implementation of twelve projects in South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and Central Asian countries
Advances in biology and biotechnology are occurring at an unprecedented rate, opening doors for seeking improvements in important fields such as health, food and environment.
UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, administers the International Network on Biotechnology (INB), a global network of academic and research institutions committed to advancing education and raising awareness about responsible life science. The INB experts exchange views and possible actions to support governments and relevant sectors of civil society (including academia, research institutions, technology companies) with a focus on emerging developments in the life sciences and biotechnology.
On 4 November 2020, UNICRI held a virtual meeting of the International Network on Biotechnology (INB), a global network of academic and research institutions developed by UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and committed to advancing education and raising-awareness about responsible life science.
Within the context of the Canada-funded project, "Global Biosecurity Risk Analysis and Needs Assessment", UNICRI, in coordination with the Public Health Agency of Canada, produced a series of reports identifying national and regional priorities for biological security capacity building.
Focusing on three target regions, including South East Asia, the Middle East and South America, the reports are based on an analysis of relevant international needs assessment instruments and action plans, complemented by data generated through custom surveys and expert interviews.
On 4 November 2020, UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), held the 4th INB virtual meeting of the International Network on Biotechnology (INB). Network partners participating in the meeting represented universities and research institutes from 11 countries.
On 6 October 2020, UNICRI in partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and in coordination with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact Working Group on Emerging Threats and Critical Infrastructure Protection (ETCIP), organized the virtual expert meeting “Technology and Security: Using Biotechnology to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism.”
New York (09.00 – 10.30), Geneva (15.00 – 16.30), 2 July 2020.
In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a global pandemic. The on-going crisis has had an unprecedented impact not only on public health but also on the global economy, social well-being and critical infrastructure.
On 19 September 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and UNICRI co-hosted a workshop that brought together international experts and emerging leaders from different countries to discuss global programs dedicated to biosecurity and the prevention of the misuse of current and future biotechnologies.
Palais des Nations, Geneva, 6 September 2018. On 5-6 September 2018, UNICRI, in cooperation with the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), held the 2nd INB Network Partners Meeting at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva. The partners participating in the meeting represented universities and research institutes from 9 countries and several international organizations, including the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
On 9 – 10 August UNICRI participated in the 2018 Meeting of Experts of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) held at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva. More specifically, the Institute took part to the session Review of Developments in the Field of Science and Technology Related to the Convention (MX2). In its presentation during the plenary session, representatives of UNICRI described the primary goals, the working methodology and the geographical dimension of the International Network on Biotechnology (INB).